Our Team
Dr. Papcsák Ferenc
Office head lawyer, Founder
Financial, financing matters, liquidation, business development.
Registered public procurement consultant
.Dr. Kovács Gábor
Leading lawyer, collaborative partner
Corporate, company and labor law, agrarian law, due diligence and property appraisal activities, business development.
Real estate law, guarantee legal institution
.Dr. Trencsán Gábor
Leading lawyer, partner
Financial law tasks, corporate and commercial law, tasks related to risk capital and guarantee legal institutions, real estate law.
Dr. Szőnyi-Molnár László
Lawyer, collaborative partner
Business development, claim management, representation of healthcare institutions, patient rights issues, liquidation.
Dr. Vámos Marianna
Lawyer, partner
Company law, company law, litigation representation, labor law, due diligence, business development.
Dr. Csiszár Attila
Lawyer, collaborative partner
Corporate and corporate law, representation, IT legal field, healthcare institution representation, claims management.
Dr. Bartl Barbara
Lawyer, collaborative partner
Public procurement, public procurement consultant, liquidation, inspections, real estate law, investment organization, company and company law.
Dr. Kövér Botond
Lawyer, collaborative partner
Information technology, corporate and company law, public procurement, real estate law.
Dr. Kovács Róbert
Lead lawyer candidate
Dr. Tilki Abigél
Lawyer candidate
Mátis Adrienn
Head of Secretariat