Social responsibility
Our Law Firm
- its manager and colleagues - since its foundation, is continuously, without interruption, considering the assistance and support of disadvantaged areas, social groups or individuals as an important and priority task. Countless events took place, which we can be really proud of and which we organized ourselves. We provided support for the birth of numerous publications, works, and studies, or raised commemorative plaques and statues, helped young talents learn about the world and science, or simply provided support to a deserving and needy person, family, or community.
We have always done this with thanks to Lord God and with a good heart, as we believe in the cohesive power of our community and that we ourselves - albeit in a small way - try to make the world we live in more livable and better.
Grants 2023
Dear Partners!
Since its existence, the Papcsák Law Firm has had a tradition of supporting disadvantaged social groups, healthcare-educational, or other social activities that face difficulties in their operations due to financing problems or other reasons. We are convinced that it is our moral duty to give and support those in need to the best of our ability.
This year, in order to continue our tradition, we once again helped the operation of the Szent István Catholic Primary School in Felsőzsolca with significant financial support.

Grants 2022
Since its existence, the Papcsák Law Firm has had a tradition of supporting disadvantaged social groups, healthcare-educational, or other social activities that face difficulties in their operations due to financing problems or other reasons. We are convinced that it is our moral duty to give and support those in need to the best of our ability.
This year, as a continuation of our traditions, we once again helped the work of the Fészek Children's Protection Association and supported the operation of the Szent István Catholic Primary School in Felsőzsolca with a significant amount.
We ask the partners of our office to visit feszekegyesulet.hu and support the work of the association if they have the means and opportunity.
University of Nyíregyháza
The University of Nyíregyháza awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the University to the head and founder of our Office for the university, for increasing the opportunities for scholarships for university citizens, especially for university students from Transcarpathia, and for raising the education standard of the homeland.
Commitment to the homeland is the most important thing in a person's life.

I'm proud
All recognition is an honor for me, but the real honor is if I can do it for my Friends, Compatriots, and Brothers. The fact that this work is recognized and accepted as a member of their community means more to me than any title.
Yesterday, the community of Csíkcsicsó granted me the title of Díszpolgari. I am asking for the help of the Creator so that I can support the settlement of Csíkcsicsó and its wider environment in everything, and that I can remain worthy of this honor.
with friendship,
Ferenc Papcsák
Some examples of our grants
...including but not limited to...
Special book launch
Adventures in Land of Friendship
We were very proud to present Bence Márk-Csucsi's first storybook, which was published by the Konzervatív Műhely Foundation.

Evacuation of civilians, students and minors from besieged Kiev
A piece of positive news: the founder of our office supported the evacuation of 107 Kyrgyz refugees from Kyiv with a lot of organization and a significant amount, helping them to return home via Budapest. With the cooperation of some businessmen, we were able to rent buses for 68 adults (mostly women), 5 students, and 34 minors.
After the long, tiring journey, they arrive in Budapest in these minutes. Until their further departure, we provide them with accommodation and food in a dormitory in Budapest. From there, they reach their home via Istanbul.
We are grateful to the Redeemer that we were able to be part of the escape and that they can all get home safely
.How to be a conservative
Like me, many may suspect that the XX. century was basically about lies. It started with the fact that everything that was, that worked, is bad, impure and an obstacle to the creation of a better world, so we must erase it - according to more impatient ideas, along with the people who cling to it - and instead burn everything out again in the compulsive fever of constant progress we have to find. According to them, the experiment based on this was so successful that at the end of the century they lied to us that history actually ended, the good guys won, there is nothing left to do or see, we can rest. More than 30 years have passed since then, and we had to wake up to the fact that the social engineers, the warriors of social justice, only wanted to lull our suspicions so that under the guise of the culture of comfort, they could subvert and change everything that was once important to us. At first, they only put their hands on our words, then they started censoring our thoughts, and finally their teeth ached for our feelings, while they made everything that had to do with tradition, faith, and conservatism a curse word. Today, we are at the point where respecting a classic work, wearing a piece of clothing that has been proven for centuries, or eating a traditional dish is considered a political statement, and occasionally provokes angry attacks. The longing for good has become something to be ashamed of, the destruction and trivialization of values has become desirable, and sin calls on virtue to justify itself. We have nowhere to retreat, we have to counterattack!

All of this can even start with a book, in this case XX-XXI. with today's rough translation of the work "How to be Conservative" by Sir Roger Scruton, one of the outstanding, committedly conservative philosophers of the 20th century. The work is being published under the auspices of the Konservatív Műhely Foundation, with the undisclosed aim of giving an intellectual compass to all those - be they young people or representatives of the more mature age group - who want to live their own conservative identity freely and with dignity, and are looking for intellectual ammunition for this, theoretical hinterland, a kind of ideological bulletproof vest. However, the foundation's vision does not and cannot stop here, they have never won a war with argumentation, with nowhere-leading luftballooning. There is a need to re-clarify the concepts of everyday life, to recreate the conditions of traditional living. We must adhere to the wish formulated by Ádám Pozsonyi, and we must dare to be out of date, and encourage everyone who has not dared to say no to the zeitgeist that culminates in madness to do so. Let Sunday lunch, a family holiday with a wide audience, enjoying a classic theater performance, poetry, opera be fashionable again. We must reclaim our words, thoughts, and feelings, because we have the right to our identity. Dare to be a conservative!
Memoria dignus
Book publishing, translation
The founder of our Office has been a dedicated supporter of the creation, editing and maintenance of various literary, historical and legal publications.
We would like to present some examples here.

With the help of the Rétköz and Közép-Szabolcs Upliftment Foundation, talented but disadvantaged children in the schools of the Szabolcs region received book gifts every year.
Participation in a charity auction organized by Suzuki.

The history of the parliaments in Rákos-meze, as well as the editing and publication of the Végvárak publications in Zugló. In addition to the Széchenyi Library, the American Library of Congress also requested the copies. The volumes were created with the support of the Office.
Organization of the volume and conference series entitled Victims of Hungarian Communism.

A large donation during the renovation of the Máriapócs church of the Greek Catholic Church, which served to renew the public space.
Personal contribution to erecting the statue of the late Prime Minister István Tisza, as well as a donation. The head of our office was a member of the Sculpture Commission.

The expedition organized in memory of Ármin Vámbéry and other eastern researchers and the contribution to it. We provided support to Földgömb magazine so that six young Hungarian high school students could go to Kyrgyzstan and get to know the Eastern world there. Manasz c. has been translated. ancient epic, which has since gone through several volumes, with the fact that even the leaders of our countries are happy to play it. The head of our office also won an award for Kyrgyz culture for translating the work.
Donation of a bell in the reborn and rebuilt St. Antal parish church on Bosnyák-tér, which bears the name of St. István.

Public foundation support
Donation of computer equipment and furniture to Kemecse and Demecser settlements. Tidying up the community center in Demecser-Borzsová and equipping it with technical equipment.

Granting support to the settlement of Salánk, Transcarpathia, for the establishment of Kopjafa.
Supporting the schools of Beregszász and Huszt with high-value technical equipment.
Support of the reformed school and college of Técső, a settlement near the Tisza in Transcarpathia, with valuable assets.
Support of the school in the town of Székelykeve in Vajdaság (Serbia) with valuable equipment.
Support of the educational institution operating in the Hungarian settlement of Tarpa.

High-value support provided to the school of Tiszabökény, Subcarpathian settlement.
A large amount of support for a foundation that helps healthcare workers.